This week’s Fierce Resource highlights an upcoming learning opportunity. Netspeed Learning Solutions is hosting a five part, 2013 Thought Leadership Webinar Series, Fierce CEO & President, Halley Bock presented her own webinar as part of this series this summer: The Connected Leader: How To Improve Results Through Conversations.
Continue the learning and join Beverly Kaye, Founder of Career Systems International on November 7th, at 2 PM EST, as she presents the fourth webinar in the series: Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Development at a Distance
“Study after study confirms that what employees want most is support for their professional development and career growth, and that offering this to them is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving employee engagement, retention, productivity and performance results. This session sheds a much needed light on effective methods and specifically what managers can do — within the time-starved, priority-rich, pressure-cooker environment in which they operate — to support employees who are not co-located.”
To learn more about the webinar and register for this event, click here.